“"Refrigeration does more than just preserve food; it sustains the very essence of progress, ensuring that the fruits of innovation remain fresh for generations to come." ” – Chilling Prospects 2021 Report
In a world challenged by preventable loss, over 1.5 million lives succumb to vaccine-preventable diseases annually. A quarter of vaccines, vital for global health, arrive compromised due to cold-chain failures. Meanwhile, 600 million individuals battle foodborne illnesses, claiming 420,000 lives yearly, underscoring the critical need for a seamless food cold-chain from farm to plate. Amidst this, daily hunger claims 25,000 lives, exacerbated by the loss of 526 million tons of food annually, a staggering 12% of total production. Effective refrigeration holds the key to a healthier, more sustainable future for us all.*
In regions facing vulnerabilities, the struggle to preserve both food and vaccines is pronounced, accentuating the urgency for robust cold chains. Compounded by a lack of mature mobile solutions, electricity free solutions, the challenges in ensuring effective refrigeration persist.
EssentialTech is developing an efficient, off-grid mobile refrigerator to enable systemic change towards a healthier, economically viable cold chain to support healthcare access needs and small businesses in low resource settings.
Industrial prototype is currently being built.
Project idea originated from Mr. Coll McDougall Hunter from Hunter Global tracking
This project is a collaboration between EssentialTech and SolidarMed.
Images: Adobe, EssnetialTech, ICRC, Wikipedia