Essential Tech Centre


Equal Access to Dialysis: Innovation announced at nephrology conferences on two continents

Posted on 2021-12-07

Dialysis role and procedure. Vital roles of kidneys are to clear blood from toxins and control the body water balance. When kidneys are damaged and cannot performed their function anymore, either kidney transplantation or dialysis is used as a replacement therapy. This illustration shows a woman under hemodialysis treatment, one of the dialysis methods where blood is cleaned outside the patient’s body in the dialysis machine. The process is complex and requires several hours. Photo credit @icrc.

Lausanne, December 7, 2021 – Nephrologists in Switzerland and Africa are the first to discover details of an innovative alliance aimed at addressing the extreme gap in access to dialysis therapies in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), compared to higher income countries.

The interdisciplinary RENal care for ALL Alliance (Ren’All Care) brings together experts from key organizations in Europe and Africa: the EssentialTech Centre of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN), the Francophone Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation (SFNDT), the Swiss Society of Nephrology (SSN), and the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS).

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